cultivating distinctive voices

Wildheart collaborates with Wildhouse Publishing to amplify important voices that might otherwise go unheard. Our Incubator program equips budding authors from all walks with the skills they need to successfully publish, platform, and influence — leveling the playing field so the world can hear from the best thinkers, leaders, and writers.

Gifted people with important messages work with us after years of doors being slammed in their face because they don’t hold the credentials or connections associated with privilege. Wildheart is committed to breaking down barriers of elitism and discrimination that have prevailed far too long.

incubator activities

Author fellowships for developmental editing

Writing workshops, retreats, and peer-to-peer support communities

Poetry and fiction writing contests to discover and promote talent

Platform development for authors and content generators

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We need your help

We are seeking early-stage funding. Your financial support helps us:

  • Publish important books
  • Cultivate distinctive voices
  • Empower wise leadership
  • Support leading-edge research